Proven Thought Leaders
Lisa Thomson, Pathway Health’s Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer, has been appointed to the Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborative (AELTCC) Board of Directors as an industry thought leader. In this role, she has also committed to improve the quality of life for patients and residents across all post-acute and long-term services and supports (PALTSS)...
Networking in Las Vegas
Lisa Thomson is headed to Las Vegas May 8-9 for the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) Director of Staff Development Conference sponsored by McKesson. We are proud and honored to have Lisa as a keynote speaker May 8 from 8:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. as she presents, “Leadership by Inspiration: Ignite the Passion Within.”...
It’s Time to S.H.I.F.T.
Our New Reality – Change! Was there ever a time that was more uncertain than today in our industry? Everything we read about, hear about and talk about in post-acute care is change. Between last week and this current week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced significant initiatives that will impact...